Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blo

aren't fake of anything is fake?

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Blond hair is associated with youth. Many dark haired women did in fact have blond hair as children. Others think that men prefer blondes. They say its natural to fool them.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

'cause they can?

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

because they are liars.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Go into your bathroom. Stick your head in the toilet and flush several times!

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Ive never called a bottle blonde a natural. And most bottle blondes will tell you they're bottle blondes. If they lie thats just insecurity

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

because they are stupid and think blonds have more fun, when really the media hypes them up to be beautiful. now i see the ugliest broads w/ blond hair thinking they are now pretty.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Hahaha, I guess blond is "the thing the be" nowadays even the black girls are doing that same nonsense!

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Women are all about the lies, makeup, push-up bra, slimming clothing, hair dye, colored contacts, fake boobs, etc, etc.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

because they wanna be like barbie. that doll has everything and is everything.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Because they want to cover up their identity. As Blonds have their own identity which is not good in the society and they want to show that they are not in that catagory.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

I don't understand. Who calls them natural blondes? If they bleach their hair, they're not natural blondes. Possibly what they're doing is restoring their original, natural color that got darker over time... maybe then they figure they can say it's "natural" because it USED to be natural. That's the only way it makes sense to me. Either that or they're out-and-out lying. OR, maybe you know someone with brown eyes who is naturally blonde and you just don't believe her! It is possible to have blonde hair and brown eyes, you know.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

what is a white woman? I have never seen a white person, white being the absence of darkness, I would think that it would be impossible to see them. Now, why do women in general dye their hair, wear contacts, wear makeup, dress up in fancy clothes, where shoes that kill our feet etc etc, the list would go a long way, in ways I am not sure you are prepared to hear (duct tape, preperation H - ON the FACE!) anyway...because they believe the lie, that you have to be beautiful to be loved. When I was a blonde I had more guys hit on me than when I was a thin brunette. Go figure.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Cause they are under the mistaken idea that to be best they have to be blonde, and they think people cant tell that they have died their hair. Yes, A FAKE IS A FAKE!

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

its worse when asians girls dye their hair blonde. They wanna be white. They hate being asian because they think white girls are more attractive.

Why so many white women with brown eye, brown hair, bleach their blonde, and call them a natural blonde?

Very rarely will you see a natural blonde with brown eyes. I can spot a fake dye job a mile away. Personally, i think dyed hair looks really unattractive. Not too mention the tell tale roots. ugh lol

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