Thursday, October 8, 2009

Demipermanent Color vs. Hair Glaze?

I have recently noticed that my natural hair color has become dark and dull. I used to have golden brown hair. I also have a few thick white hairs randomly scattered all over my head. So I want to do something about it, hopefully at least make it brighter. I have never colored my hair at home before, so I was wondering whether I should use a demipermanent color like Clairol Natural Instincts, or a glaze like the one from John Freida. I'm not interested in anything permanent, because I don't want to screw up.

Demipermanent Color vs. Hair Glaze?

Hi Hon,

Depending on the porosity of your hair, they can both become PERMANENT HAIR COLOR. In the professional world of beauty, demipermanent and glazing are the same thing. One company just chooses to use one name the other another name. But Demi color does not penentrate the hair shaft like a permanent one does, but usually holds more pigment than a semi perm color. It will gradually fade out with each shampoo, same as a glazing would. Only problem here is what is the condition of your hair? If it is overly porous on your ends, they will grab the color darker than the rest of the hair. I would suggest you ask your hairdresser for some advice. Sometimes its better to pay a little now than a lot later. I know I charge $110 per hour for color correction and you are usually looking at a minimum of 31/2 hours! Good luck

Demipermanent Color vs. Hair Glaze?

Semipermanent means that it will last for about 6 weeks, then you have to do it again. There is really no such product as "permanent" hair soon as your hair starts growing, the gray (or whatever) starts coming back in. A glaze is more for shine than color. So you have to decide which do you want, shine or color? Don't do both as that is a double chemical and it will cause breakage and damage to your hair. Why not consult a beautician?

Demipermanent Color vs. Hair Glaze?

i have the john frieda glaze in redhead

i think you should go for it. try using the shampoo and conditioner too,

my hair used to fade alot faster with out it and it actually does bring out color.

I recomend it. My hair usually would fade about 3 to 5 weeks but its already been a while and it still looks fresh

plus its not expensive

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