Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If you dye your hair, do you get more white ones??

No, it shouldnt cause you to grow more white hairs. If you continually dye your hair, you just might not realize how much white hair you have until you grow it out. But it doesnt mean your hair dye caused it.

Trust me...I dye my hair ALL the time! :)

You should be safe unless you have any allergies etc.

Cheers Girl! :)

If you dye your hair, do you get more white ones??

oooooooooooooooooh yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssss...

If you dye your hair, do you get more white ones??

Well it depends on what your hair was like before dying. but otherwise no, you dont get more white ones.

If you dye your hair, do you get more white ones??

No - same amount.

If you dye your hair, do you get more white ones??

nothing to do with dye hair but u think too much of colours to dye then u might get more white hair b4 u dye.

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