Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why do some people's hair turn gray and other's turn white?

genes most likely. but I think most of the time it's darker colors turn gray and lighter colors turn white, but I'm not expert

Why do some people's hair turn gray and other's turn white?

Hereditary has something 2 do with it, but also it depends on your lifestyle - say 4 instance u smoke-your gray would b yellow if you don't smoke it will probably be silver. Chemical treatments(perms 4 example) can cause gray 2 turn yellow. Someone with naturally blonde hair their hair may turn white when graying.

Why do some people's hair turn gray and other's turn white?

the real answer is NO ONE knows.. but the following will explain why it turns ...................................... Each hair on our heads is made up of two parts:

a shaft - the colored part we see growing out of our heads

a root - the bottom part, which keeps the hair anchored under the scalp

The root of every strand of hair is surrounded by a tube of tissue under the skin that is called the hair follicle. Each hair follicle contains a certain number of pigment cells. These pigment cells continuously produce a chemical called melanin that gives the growing shaft of hair its color of brown, blonde, red, and anything in between.

Melanin is the same stuff that makes our skin's color fair or darker. It also helps determine whether a person will burn or tan in the sun. The dark or light color of someone's hair depends on how much melanin each hair contains.

As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color - like gray, silver, or white - as it grows. As people continue to get older, fewer pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray.

How early we get gray hair is determined by our genes. This means that most of us will start having gray hairs around the same age that our parents or grandparents first did.

Gray hair is more noticeable in people with darker hair because it stands out, but people with naturally lighter hair are just as likely to go gray. From the time a person notices a few gray hairs, it may take more than 10 years for all of that person's hair to turn gray.

And, on another tangent, although related aspect: Quite often, players of rough sports (football, rugby) often tend to have grey (white) patches (usually singular patch) due to being struck by another player or by the ball involved. This is due to the force of the strike damaging the follicle and the pigment cells in resonse to your question they actually do not know they have researching this for years ..but my sister who has done this for 35 years says as a rule blondes and really dark hair go between goes grey ... but I hoped you enjoyed reading about why hair turns grey or white..

Why do some people's hair turn gray and other's turn white?

It depends on the percentage of 'grey' hair they have. Theres different stages of grey and usually when people have white hair, its 100% unpigmented. It all depends on how much of the unpigmented hairs the person has.

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